Some, but not all, checkpoints can be reused by backtracking and going through them again.Whenever you see a large group of creatures headed your way, soften them up by tossing a grenade into their midst before closing with other weapons.Learn to take advantage of this by learning to step into hostile fire, ignore it while you get a kill, then step back into cover to wait for a recharge. Your energy shields are 'free damage.' Any damage you take, as long as your shields don't drain completely, will be completely recharged after a few seconds.This isn't an optional strategy the fights are balanced on the assumption that you will make good use of grenades. Halo, more than most shooters, uses lots of grenades, and most large fights will involve at least a few being tossed back and forth. If played at different difficulties, any number of things will be slightly different, such as the number or types of enemies, their intelligence, and the amount of ammunition you find. The single-player campaign is essentially identical to the X-Box version, so everything here applies to it as well.
Walk-Through This walk-through was written based on the PC version of Halo played at Normal difficulty. Finally, you will find a comprehensive set of techniques, tricks, tactics, and strategies to make you a winner in any of Halo's extensive multiplayer modes.

Tactics and techniques are given to help you use these tools with maximum efficiency against both the devious aliens in the campaign and against the even more dangerous human opponents you will face in multiplayer. Also provided is an extensive listing of the enemies you will encounter, along with the weapons and vehicles you will use to fight them. In this guide, we will provide you with a detailed walk-through of every level of the single-player campaign, designed to help you make your way through the world of Halo and have fun doing it.

There is enough variety and style (and just a bit of comic relief) here to keep you coming back for more. Sometimes you will fight on foot, alone and outnumbered, other times you will drive (or fly) a variety of vehicles, with a squad of United Nations Space Command (UNSC) Marines alongside you. You will fight in beautiful outdoor locales, in cramped underground bases, and in spectacular starships. You will fight incredibly strong enemies and hordes of weak ones. Halo is an action game, and one that shows an astounding blend of balance and polish. In Halo, you play as the Master Chief, the last of a group of cybernetically-enhanced soldiers created by humanity to defend themselves from a group of religious-fanatic aliens known as the Covenant. Two years later, Halo finally got re-ported back to the PC, along with a few changes and improvements. On the Xbox, Halo met with universal praise and piles of awards, despite the controversy involved in the delay of the PC/Mac versions. Originally slated as a revolutionary game for the PC and Mac, Microsoft bought out the developers and signed Halo as the signature title for their soon-to-come console, the Xbox. By The Stratos Group Design by Katie Bush Introduction Halo has a history that stands as a microcosm of the gaming industry itself.